Course Prerequisites
- For CSCI 4531, the prerequisite is CSCI 2113
- For CSCI 6531, none
Learning Objectives
- Describe basic components of security (confidentiality, integrity, and availability)
- Understanding and ability to apply basic cryptographic primitives (e.g., symmetric keys, asymmetric keys, hash functions)
- Understanding of authentication and access control mechanisms
- Apply concepts in software security (e.g., race conditions, integer overflows, buffer overlfows)
- Identify different forms of malicious software
- Describe and apply forms of public key infrastructure for both authentication and privacy
- Awareness of common security challenges with web protocols and browser authentication
- Exposure to modern topics in computer security
Time Expectations:
- 2.5 hours of direct instruction (i.e., class time) per week
- 5 hours of independent learning (i.e., out of class time) per week
- Total: 112.5 hours per semester
We will use the following textbook, chapters available for free online.
- Computer Security and the Internet: Tools and Jewels from Malware to Bitcoin, Second Edition. Paul C. van Oorschot. Springer, 2021.
- Risk Modeling
- Cryptographic Primitives
- Authentication
- OS Security and Access Control
- Public Key Infrastructure
- Software Security
- Malware
- Web & Browser Security
- 20% Homework
- 25% Project
- 10% Worksheets
- 20% Midterm
- 25% Final
- 5% Extra credit for class participation
Homework (20%)
There are three homework assignments. The first two are worth 6% each, and the third is worth 8%, for a total of 20% of your grade. Some homework can be completed in groups and some are individual. You should consult the individual instructions for each assignment.
Project (25%)
You will complete a semester long project exploring topics in computer security that may not be covered fully or at all in the class. The project has multiple parts, including completing an annotated bibliography, presentation, and report.
Projects will be completed in groups of two or three. Note that undergraduate students registered for section CSCI4531 should work with other students in their section, and the same for graduate students registered for CSCI6531.
Worksheets (10%)
You are required to complete 10 worksheets during the semester, each worth 1% of your final grade. Worksheets are not graded for correctness, but only completion. The due date of worksheets are the following lecture from when the topic is covered. The worksheet questions and topics will be covered on the respective exams.
Lateness Policy
All projects portions MUST be submitted by the due date as specified. Request for extension will be considered, but the request must be submitted via email before the deadline.
Exams (45%)
There will be two exams. A midterm worth 20% of your grade, and a final worth 25% of your grade. The total exam weighting is 45%. The midterm will cover lectures 1-5 and final will cover topics in all lectures, while more heavily weighting the latter topics from lectures 6-10.
Exams will be in-class, pen-and-paper. If you need accommodations, you should notify the instructor as soon as possible with your DSS accommodation approval so that you can schedule your exams with DSS.
CLass Participation for Extra Credit
This class is intended to be interactive. You are strongly encouraged to ask and answer questions during lectures. Students who actively participate in class discussions will receive up to 5 extra credit points. For example, if your weighted grade is 89%, a 3-point extra credit will raise your final course grade to 92%.
Academic Integrity
The George Washington University has a Code of Academic Integrity which we will follow in this class. Violations of the code, depending on severity, may lead to any (or all) of the following actions within this class:
- Receiving a 0% on the assignment in which a violation is found
- Dismissal from the course
- Receiving a failing grade in the class
Further action may occur, including referring the case to the Academic Integrity Council for further adjudication.
IMPORTANT: The use of AI assistants, such as ChatGPT, Gemni, etc., is strictly forbidden. Submitting AI assistants output as your own is plagiarism. You will receive a zero on that assignment, and if you do so multiple times after fair warning, you will be referred to the academic integrity board and receive a failing grade in the class. Please, please, please do not put me or you in a position where this may become necessary.
Disability Support Services (DSS)
Any student who may need accommodations based on the potential impact of a disability should contact Disability Support Services (or call 202-994-8250) to establish eligibility and to coordinate reasonable accommodations.
If any issue arises that may limit your ability to participate in class, for example, personal illness, family emergency, etc., please be sure to discuss these matters with your instructor as soon as possible and accommodations will be made available to you as appropriate.
Feelings of being overwhelmed are unfortunately quite common in the university environment and something we have all dealt with. You are not alone, and there are a number of resources available to provide support in those moments. Learning to ask for help is an import part of the university of experience, and if you or anyone you know experiences any academic stress, difficult life events, or feelings of anxiety or depression, you are strongly encourage to seek support. GW offers counseling services, and also consider reaching out to a friend, faculty or family member you trust for help getting connected to the support that can help.
If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal or in danger of self-harm, call someone immediately, day or night:
- Student Counseling : 202-994-5300.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255