Worksheet 03: Cryptography II
Worksheets are self-guided activities that reinforce lectures. They are not graded for accuracy, only for completion. Worksheets are due by the end of the Tuesday before the next lecture via Blackboard link as a single pdf document. Be sure to properly label each question.
What is the key difference between symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption, and why is asymmetric encryption vital to public-key encryption/decryption.
What is hybrid encryption and why is it useful?
In the book, read the Math details of RSA Public-Key Encryption, page 38 (section 2.3), and then complete the first exercise on page 39. Specifically, in the toy example, does \(e=5\) satisfy the rules?
Decrypt the number 10, by hand, using the RSA private key pair (5,35) (like in the example above).
Hint: Note that math under the modulo allows the following \((a \cdot b) \mod n \ = \ [(a \mod n)(b \mod n)] \mod n\) which is very useful for doing large calculations by hand.
What three properties do digital signatures provide?
In RSA (and other asymmetric schemes), the usage of the public and private key are inverse operations of each other. That is, in the traditional usage, encrypting with the public key can only be inverted (or decrypted) with the private key. But the same is true in the reverse, items encrypted with the private key can only be inverted by decryption with the public key.
Come up with a system that provide secure encryption with a digital signature for two communicating parties A and B with secret/private key pairs \((s_A,p_A)\) and \((s_B,p_B)\), where \(p_B\) and \(p_A\) are known and verified by A and B.
Assume you have a cryptographic hash function \(H\) that you can use in the scheme for message secrecy and signatures using RSA. Can you improve on your solution?
Which property of a cryptographic hash function is that, given an input \(m_1\) and its \(h_1=H(m_1)\), it is infeasible to find an \(m_2\) such that \(H(m_2) = H(m_1)\).
What is the difference between using a general purpose cryptographic hash function and a MAC?
MACs provided data integrity and message originator security, but not non-repudiation. Explain why not?
Compute the final key in Diffie-Hellman \(p=13\) and \(g=3\) if A chooses \(a=4\) and B chooses \(b=6\). Do it by hand.
Download this zip file that contains the starter code for this project. Unzip it, and then open the directory in a new VSCode window. You should be prompted to open the folder in a container, say yes!
If you haven’t completed Worksheet 02 Q12 please do so first so you can test your C# environment.
Once the container is open, you should open a terminal window. You can do that from the menu bar, or by using the shortcut
(backtick).Then in the terminal
dotnet run
to runProgram.cs
– which is just a hello-world program. If you’re prompted to install the C# framework, you should select yes to that too.Your task is to edit
to be able to decrypt a hybrid encrypted message from Bob to Alice (you are Alice in this example) and verify the authenticity and integrity of the message.Here are the PEM encoded public and private keys for Alice (remember, you are Alice).
-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEowIBAAKCAQEAneV0ccSYMbjk+mkI5s+d/ZuhGPFa87T9glRv+QVoKShtoSD9 P6vHrOOORnfvdHVkWZDhWiKMfZpp43ogAmLJCB8XDr4W+ymUANrcYMqys2dX6D3B 3kVTX1hbTP9s7Ou1JUODcSLfQh8j8LxZqA/LkRqv31Ji4fN4DL8kDmopMSFS+o9/ zZIPiOEblbsADyV5tYf+yDDLMoJuv7gU3eZpBvmFtuAycUHpnQOuVlrf6Ea0PBR0 pUdbJOOqmXUo0yCVApuV+/Gz7PbSQkVaogQ0+FzuyKx9dRckLoy+k0A0o+OyAk/T +zeSk87DWNDubR9QGF2cbqMVH8syxsqo7wogLwIDAQABAoIBAAGdq3AbBnTpaWWx dUop0S1n9KFoN7mRxLYBcWnqs7+w4bpWt5csuPm2FHeR9HN/j6jY/wcCOBtBXTJB ec1i2Tk9J2ontapMj4hL6E1EFcl/PI35MwaezmhSsHbpXRVQB9KoGuxcyOZVokA6 KG+I+QwOailbbJaj/FQ8RCN/oG9K92I1PIlo3l+xoBTqX/+9FyLodhz7bhk6uXf6 QHZ9DnzpAz+YENuIIEs8xOiAtukaIfQvH28b/oyzJiRz3JlhaRr09dKjLRQm56T9 5oJ+/NbQ1NOIajvb5D7mdKZCHa+3txR80C65ds+trtiV9oNtATXG+02VBOAXyEA9 Qb2obWkCgYEA2vxlb9qnVpE3yw6Uf/eBTXSw+Gx217EzqhHodejJ/+s6BnHjEE4X jElVHW3W+Xf7Av4XHjhl+ePwYQuuK9+iOtRyMMxm2c6oZfaCpPuXNsgFv3ipv2rB Xs5Jy8EZlswv/N/5r8wEC52p+wPVr7zVifBo0yowl/NbSAJ/y/uE2QkCgYEAuJWw GFQX4gN0uhaHrFz/orFJcpbVcLcUQX21zZ9zwBu/b8Uxe00emUQpQyFg5N4NrzZ6 rY2UmXDaYo3QW6HsK4zVi6k50Bt889XqXdzRU3UOYV2o1CZ0uW6mlso5kc5257UF 2FP6fSyJbNB+PdCmDZ2O66Ik1MRdxR+0VPL/lXcCgYBMz/OUxJGl39I+O6MDMAH+ 9UuOGB2nktSYdyefFESmrA/yashG092Wq7JbXEfnwZoedpoNU6MRgE60+6/gW9U/ 5X0YeNoq1D5lZY516HomEQtTGjQQnJWvd5STD+y15HGAtd+TNnDE0kzpa3Ls7cPJ WraqO0ZIRmhiXd4N4u+6YQKBgQCfSLzfIaJCbU0LUGnfuZj34hlJgxPI4pPeOAbs 3A5c1xUJ9JbQmiovhHw+68zbcytH6bFPlv+GsbYimdIVYNOWeT/F91BmX3IiUJSg Tu9sH3U7XEFWYaEUa4HiWbv4MLy3EqVqmn1sC0TD2980pJrG4RH2EMPLv3BTrRpG vDMF3QKBgHatS/ELwoTf/PEQo1tL4tepgUo3itFQndtZ2ZwWcjrcMGE+0wgmDIiB 1TwwPL3yRRu66e4gDJh3A9SJmdKYv8Em0KWSRnWyACZi1Ba4xl7sINVhBT9CzI57 TwCd81NHMVYndgJm2iaOUP3Rv2Zao6IkuPGyxxlo8eh4hJBOv9mY -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEAneV0ccSYMbjk+mkI5s+d/ZuhGPFa87T9glRv+QVoKShtoSD9P6vH rOOORnfvdHVkWZDhWiKMfZpp43ogAmLJCB8XDr4W+ymUANrcYMqys2dX6D3B3kVT X1hbTP9s7Ou1JUODcSLfQh8j8LxZqA/LkRqv31Ji4fN4DL8kDmopMSFS+o9/zZIP iOEblbsADyV5tYf+yDDLMoJuv7gU3eZpBvmFtuAycUHpnQOuVlrf6Ea0PBR0pUdb JOOqmXUo0yCVApuV+/Gz7PbSQkVaogQ0+FzuyKx9dRckLoy+k0A0o+OyAk/T+zeS k87DWNDubR9QGF2cbqMVH8syxsqo7wogLwIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
And here’s Bob’s public key
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEAvvJruGVVmQUcljfoYisf8oOkS2MWpdo6ZiK5YyCA3umfL7iphUuP vvueEp59rEHm5bp4AeltsPuH2sbLeIi4CjhhlWi5S6MPjej0uM+/SklIlLFLNJO+ ctblcRyFLp5tW2HGbcfa1EkGf/hS8IFNwYm4X05bgXZjnOFcW5gBcliEtTBwMdA2 wH5o958oqJmf/K2tTsC3p8kKm8UTa6pWZoEE3kVsLA/r9D/ZSkSlLrOA3xPMZjx5 nKrXhgZYuZKK8R4m37aoygYCiB42MaxlEgVCD/jy9HwJW2Zczl6YOJ/ynJQ0QMh1 Gzi18SDuaJU25wyhE+qCWyNK7mVBr1HbawIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY-----
You receive from Bob the following three items as hex strings, decrypt it and verify its authenticity and integrity. Provide the decrypted message and the line of code you used to check the signature.
The encrypted message (using AES-CBC mode with PKCS7 padding) (be sure to scroll all the way to the RIGHT!)
An RSA encrypted message that contains 32 bytes of the AES key and 16 bytes of the IV. The RSA encryption uses OaepSHA256 padding.
And an RSA signature of the unencrypted data of the message using SHA256 and PSS padding.
Tip 1: Recall from Worksheet 02 Q12 that to convert to
from a hextstring you useConvert.FromHexString
and to convert abyte[]
to an ASCII string useEncoding.ASCII.GetString()
Tip 2: The
library and it’s documentation is what you need for this.Tip 3: When loading RSA keys, use
you can either only load a public key or a private key, but if you load a private key, you must load it after loading the public key.