Jie Zhou

Department of Computer Science, University of Rochester

jie.zhou@gwu.edu jiezhou@rochester.edu

I am an incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the George Washington University, starting from August 2024. I'm currently a postdoc and was previously a PhD student at the University of Rochester, advised by John Criswell. I received my Bachelor's degree from Xiamen University.

I do Systems Research with a focus on systems and software security. I advocate for language-based security: programming languages are the direct medium through which programmers express their ideas, and compilers are the direct medium that translate these expressions to the ultimately executed machine code. I believe methods oriented around languages and compilers solve computer security concerns in a fundamental manner.

Be alert, for your software is buggy and full of vulnerabilities!

Prospective Students: I am looking for students. If you are interested, please read this.

Selected Publications

    Fat Pointers for Temporal Memory Safety of C
    Jie Zhou, John Criswell, and Michael Hicks
    In Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages, Volume 7, Issue OOPSLA1 , Cascais, Portugal, 2023
  2. USENIX Security
    Silhouette: Efficient Protected Shadow Stacks for Embedded Systems
    Jie Zhou, Yufei Du, Zhuojia Shen, Lele Ma, John Criswell, and Robert J. Walls
    In 29th USENIX Security Symposium , Virtual Conference, 2020


Program Committees

2024: CCS, SecDev
2023: SecDev, PLDI SRC
2021: LLVM Dev.